Another MIT Party!

Ever wondered what an MIT party is like? You won’t get that from today’s podcast. But, you will get an audio tour of one of Boston’s hottest springtime events: the annual MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge “Startup Spotlight.” Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they work their way through a crowd of 300+ entrepreneurial party-goers and 30+ startups competing for a chance to win big prizes. (Well…not really big. Not even small, as a matter of fact. Frankly, we weren’t even sure why they called them prizes….)

A Bamboo Bike Falls in the Forest …

We first met our guest, Randall Levere, in 2012.  He had just launched Erba Cycles and was geared up (get it?  geared up) to sell a new breed of bicycle — one that was not only environmentally friendly to ride, but also to produce.  And, it was downright fine looking.  Randall was a guest on our first podcast, The Tech Entrepreneur, and graced us with a discussion of turning a passion into a business.  Flash forward seven years and Randall’s the guest on Failure - the Podcast.  Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a retrospective look at Erba Cycles, one of the last great bamboo bike makers, and learn why.

The Storyteller

Before every good sale, there’s a story. For investors, it’s no different. You might think that all they want from the first meeting is the entrepreneur’s story. But, often, they have to tell stories of their own. After all, in some markets, willing investors are easy to come by. So whom to choose? The teller’s story may decide. Join the Team from Failure - the Podcast as venture capitalist Arjun Bhatnagar regales them in stories of goats, airplanes and startups gone bad.

The Team Gets Schooled

You’d think that after 40+ episodes, the Team from Failure - the Podcast would know a thing or two about failure. We certainly thought we did, until we met today’s guest: futurist, speaker, author and leader Tom Koulopoulos. Turns out that Tom’s all about success through failure. Who knew? Perhaps we should have done some research on him, first. Anyway, we quickly learned that Tom travels the globe talking to the best and brightest about failure as a critical component of business innovation. Join the Team from Failure - the Podcast as Tom Koulopoulos schools us in failure. Perhaps, you’ll learn a thing or two. We did.

The Poetry of Failure

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they explore a writer’s world with Ken Briodagh, a story teller and adventurist in the Connecticotian mold of Mark Twain — but with a tech twist. Fear not, however, faithful listeners — all three of you!  This is not a tech podcast.  Using interviewing skills that would make NPR’s Terry Gross jealous, the team brings out Ken’s softer side and has him philosophizing on the art and craft of writing in a manner likely to make even Stephen King proud.

Custom Rugs, Online - That’s a New One!

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion of the custom rug business.  If you’re like us, you’ll learn about an online business you might never have imagined.   But, on the other hand, who would have thought there was money to be made online in  shoes, pre-packaged meds, or you name it ….. 

What, No Sharks?

Navigating life is challenge enough.  Failure, it seems, is waiting at every turn.  Most would imagine that living with a disability would only add to the worries.  AccessSportAmerica has long recognized that resilience is the foil to the fear of failure.  The Boston-based charity’s mission is to inspire people with disabilities.  One of its key teaching aids: windsurfing! Join the Team from Failure - the Podcast and Ross Lilley, executive director of AccessSportAmerica, in a meandering discussion of failure, resilience and the challenges of running a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of the challenged and disabled.

Seven Co-Founders, Huh?

Seven is a big number when it comes to co-founders. You have to expect that most startups will go a few pivots before finding their niche. Try it with seven co-founders, and the number goes up exponentially.

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as the wind their way through the story of media and entertainment start-up ROTU with co-founder Jason Parks. He and the company are onto something, now. Is it just a siren song of another pivot, or have they hit on something truly big?

Don’t Count on Investors to Cover Your Backside

As listeners of a certain age will appreciate, when a man’s yearly physical goes beyond the “now, cough!” stage, things can become downright awkward.  What more need we say, here, about the prostate exam?  Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Christopher LaFarge and learn that circles of torment are neither the exclusive realm of hell nor the health care system.  From an entrepreneur’s perspective, it can seem that the investment community has become pretty good with them, too. 

Doing Well by Doing Good

“Conversations” are a favorite topic of this podcast. This includes not only those attendant to new product introductions, but also those between entrepreneurs and investors. Today’s episode delves into both. Our guest, Brandale Randolph, is doing well by doing good. Join us in a digression-filled discussion with Brandale and learn how an entrepreneur’s vision, when shaped and fueled by conversations with customer and investor marketplaces, can drive potentially exponential business growth.

All is Well that Ends Well

Sebastien Mannai plans to bring oil wells into the 21st century. His company has not suffered any failures yet — or, at least, not any he would admit to — but Sebastien is hoping to prevent oil pump failures. His is a “happy news” story. It’s not one we like to hear too often at Failure - the Podcast, but on a day when it seems like the world is going to hell in a handbasket, maybe this is just what the doctor ordered.

Mass Challenge

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they fumble through a discussion of women’s bra’s with Athena Kasvikis, founder of Dreamweaver Intimates, as she readies to disrupt a highly profitable segment of the $1 billion women’s bra market.  (Ok, actually,  just Mic, Mark and Dave fumbled — Susan carried on per usual, though, with a smirk).  

A Broken Link in the Blockchain

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Frank Gillett, of Forrester Research, as he takes us down the tortured road of an emerging technology.  Whether the supposedly unsinkable Titanic, a foolproof Iranian nuclear reactor, the Internet of Things or, yes, even the blockchain, we should simply assume that new technologies will fail — and, probably, in ways we would never predict.

Eat and Run

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as we attempt to discuss our eponym with Derek Canton, founder of, a dine-and-dash startup that hopes to make eating and running profitable for everyone. We failed.  He didn’t.   It could go either way for you.

Pet Peeves

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they muddle through the life and times of Artur Sousa, whose many pivots may have resulted in one of the greatest businesses known to man and beast alike:

Failure in Health Care

Some would argue that “failure” is merely a label and that each of us is free to define the term as we wish.  A prior presidential administration declared ketchup was a vegetable.  Is the meaning of failure so fluid — and, if so, what does that say about attempts to define it for purposes of evaluating our health care system?  Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they explore this issue with physician, entrepreneur, humorist and philosopher Andy Epstein.

Too Big to Fail?

Experimentation and failure may be as natural to banking as to any other business. How can that be in such a heavily regulated industry? Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Tom Curry, the former U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. Learn what Tom has to say about the necessity of experimentation in the banking system, including, in areas like blockchain and cryptocurrency.

What's Up Doc?

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Susan Conover, of the Boston-based startup LuminDx, as they work their way through the ups and downs of starting a business in the healthcare space.