Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

Don’t Count on Investors to Cover Your Backside

Don’t Count on Investors to Cover Your Backside

Double entendres. Puns. Just plain bad jokes. This podcast just seems to invite them. No, it’s not a rework of our infamous episode, “Mass Challenge,” but for the faint of heart (or, perhaps, faint of ear) it may seem all too familiar.

As listeners of a certain age will appreciate, when a man’s yearly physical goes beyond the “now, cough!” stage, things can become downright awkward. What more need we say, here, about the prostate exam?

Like all good entrepreneurs, our guest saw the DRE — as it is known in polite circles — not as a problem but, rather, as an opportunity. Why, he thought, must it be the first of many circles of torment in an otherwise well-intentioned health care system. Surely, there must be a better way. And, with luck, one solved by a business following the “razor/razor blade model.” (Don’t get too caught-up in the imagery on that last one: it’s just an expression.). With that, our guest Christopher LaFarge founded Medicametrix and its signature product ProstaMetric.

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Christopher and learn that circles of torment are neither the exclusive realm of hell nor the health care system. From an entrepreneur’s perspective, it can seem that the investment community has become pretty good with them, too.

Seven Co-Founders, Huh?

Seven Co-Founders, Huh?

Doing Well by Doing Good

Doing Well by Doing Good