Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

Eat and Run

Eat and Run

Some guys just have all the luck. Today’s guest is one of them. Though, in all fairness, what seems like luck is likely a combination of talent, hard-work and, yes, some luck.

Be that as it may, these can be tough guests for a podcast focussed on failure. It was Stephen Hawking, perhaps, who once said “failure does not favor the lucky.” (Or, maybe it was Einstein, talking about God and dice — those astrophysicists are all alike. But we digress…).

So how do you get an entrepreneur who can do no wrong to discuss failure. You ask and ask again. We did. No luck. He wouldn’t budge. The closest he came was a few dark cold winter nights waiting for a “yes” from a dream customer. Spoiler alert: he got it.

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast on this centennial podcast* as we attempt to discuss our eponym** with Derek Canton, founder of, a dine-and-dash startup that hopes to make eating and running profitable for everyone. We failed. He didn’t. It could go either way for you.

* - OK, not really. This is neither our 100th year nor even our 100th podcast. But, it sounds good.
** - Look it up and tell us if we are using it correctly.

A Broken Link in the Blockchain

A Broken Link in the Blockchain

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves