Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves

Life is often a series of pivots.  That can be especially true for entrepreneurs.  Formative years spent moving from school to school, job to job and, even, country to country can be critical to forging the mettle needed to endure the crucible that is a startup.

Podcast recording sessions can pivot, too.  Sometimes, a lot.  While this can be due to a higher calling, it’s usually just plain lack of preparation by the podcast hosts.  Today’s session is no different.  And why would you expect otherwise of Failure - the Podcast.

Be that as it may, our fearless guest Artur Sousa, founder of, endured recording this latest episode.  It was only fitting that this school-changing, job-hopping, country-jumping entrepreneur would relive it all in a podcast that changed courses as many times in an hour as did our guest in the decades that were his formative years.

Was he the better for it?  Were we, the humble and (as always) unprepared hosts?  Will you be?  Test your mettle and find out.  In the worst case, today’s episode (and perhaps this entire series) will give you another talking point on the topic of pet peeves.

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they muddle through the life and times of Artur Sousa, whose many pivots may have results one of the greatest businesses known to man and beast alike.

Eat and Run

Eat and Run

Failure in Health Care

Failure in Health Care