Mass Challenge

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they fumble through a discussion of women’s bra’s with Athena Kasvikis, founder of Dreamweaver Intimates, as she readies to disrupt a highly profitable segment of the $1 billion women’s bra market.  (Ok, actually,  just Mic, Mark and Dave fumbled — Susan carried on per usual, though, with a smirk).  

A Broken Link in the Blockchain

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Frank Gillett, of Forrester Research, as he takes us down the tortured road of an emerging technology.  Whether the supposedly unsinkable Titanic, a foolproof Iranian nuclear reactor, the Internet of Things or, yes, even the blockchain, we should simply assume that new technologies will fail — and, probably, in ways we would never predict.

Eat and Run

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as we attempt to discuss our eponym with Derek Canton, founder of, a dine-and-dash startup that hopes to make eating and running profitable for everyone. We failed.  He didn’t.   It could go either way for you.

Pet Peeves

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they muddle through the life and times of Artur Sousa, whose many pivots may have resulted in one of the greatest businesses known to man and beast alike:

Failure in Health Care

Some would argue that “failure” is merely a label and that each of us is free to define the term as we wish.  A prior presidential administration declared ketchup was a vegetable.  Is the meaning of failure so fluid — and, if so, what does that say about attempts to define it for purposes of evaluating our health care system?  Join the team from Failure - the Podcast as they explore this issue with physician, entrepreneur, humorist and philosopher Andy Epstein.

Too Big to Fail?

Experimentation and failure may be as natural to banking as to any other business. How can that be in such a heavily regulated industry? Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Tom Curry, the former U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. Learn what Tom has to say about the necessity of experimentation in the banking system, including, in areas like blockchain and cryptocurrency.

What's Up Doc?

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Susan Conover, of the Boston-based startup LuminDx, as they work their way through the ups and downs of starting a business in the healthcare space.

Chef's Table

The team from Failure - The Podcast is easily distracted, esp., when the recording session is during dinner.  Join them as the explore the wonderful world of food (and restaurant failure) with chef Peter Agostinelli.

This Guy has Worked with Them All

Join us in a discussion with management consultant extraordinaire John Stempeck, of Avalon Associates, for a raucous tour of some of the iconic businesses of the late 20th century.  You’ll leave with a better appreciation for the Great Recession that followed in the early 21st.

Virtual Reality is a Failure ... ? Probably Not.

Join the team from Failure - The Podcast in a discussion with John Daniels of Kinaptic, Jason Parks of Rhythm of the Universe, and Max Harper of Simmetri about partnering between virtual and augmented startups. Sponsors: MIT Enterprise Forum & Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP. Credits: Podcast Intro & Extro Music: Jazzy Frenchy -

A Bit of Blockchain

A lot has been written about blockchain. Much of it only adds to the confusion around this topic that is feeding the latest tech bubble.  Join us in a discussion with Seth Berman, an expert on cybersecurity and criminal law, as he works his way through our needless banter and the intricacies of blockchain, bitcoin, and all that jazz.

Practicing What You Preach

The team of “Failure - The Podcast” isn’t immune from failure. Join us, and learn how we recovered (or not!) from our own failure when recording a session on the downfall of Encyclopedia Britannica.