Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

Practicing What You Preach

Practicing What You Preach

Even the team of “Failure - The Podcast” isn’t immune from failure.  Sh_t happens.  It certainly happened to us, right in the end of one of our best sessions.  We had just finished recording (or so we thought) the story of Encyclopedia Britannica’s historic downfall.  Our guest, James Goulka, formerly COO of that august publication, was recounting its final days when we realized we hadn’t hit the “record” button.  Inspired by Thomas Edison’s “I have not failed 1,000 times, I have successfully found 1,000 ways that will not make a light bulb,” we soldered on.  Join us, and learn how we recovered (or not!) from our own failure.


Podcast 17 - Practicing What You Preach
Failure - The Podcast
A Bit of Blockchain

A Bit of Blockchain

The Algorithm is the Thing -- How a Tech Company went from Chasing an IPO to Failure.

The Algorithm is the Thing -- How a Tech Company went from Chasing an IPO to Failure.

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