Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

No Holding Back -- The Entrepreneur's Life

No Holding Back -- The Entrepreneur's Life

Taking the plunge into entrepreneurship can be a scary thing. Seasonally speaking, you could think of it as the Halloween of job changes: it’s best for young or the steel-nerved. (Yeah, we left out ignorant and desperate, but go with us here ....). For those who have what it takes, the plunge can be well worth it. Not only for the excitement of building a business from scratch but, for the lucky few, the handsome financial returns.

But, who are we to say? Sure, the team from Failure - the Podcast has had more than a toe in the entrepreneurship pool for many years. Listen to our pilot episode, for example. And, don’t forget the episode on angel investing. What can you learn from a bunch of podcasters, though? (OK, don’t take that one too seriously. This podcasting stuff is just a sidelight. We do, after all, have respectable day jobs. Most of us, at least. Mic, what is it you do, again?)

Today’s guest just couldn’t hold back from taking the plunge. Marc Held, who heads up the IoT Solutions group at Turvo, was a serial entrepreneur before he finished college. How many companies, you ask? We lost count while recording the podcast, though, a quick look at LinkedIn suggests the number is approaching ten. That’s a lot of start-ups.

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a disjointed discussion of startups, the young, the steel-nerved and, well, the life of an entrepreneur. Will you really get that out of this podcast? Who knows? But, like they say about many things in life, you get what you pay for.

A Politician and a B-School Instructor Walk into a Bar ...

A Politician and a B-School Instructor Walk into a Bar ...

A Fistful of Dirt

A Fistful of Dirt