failure - the podcast / innovation blab

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A Broken Link in the Blockchain

A Japanese proverb says that everyone has three faces: one they show the world,  one they show their family, and  one they show no one.  Failure - the Podcast is like that.  There are the episodes published for all to hear, those played only for sympathetic  spouses and friends, and those of which one does not speak.  (Hint: ask Mic and Mark about the recording at the tequila bar).  

If the Japanese proverb were about today’s episode, who knows what it would be.  On the one hand, our guest didn’t really want to speak about the blockchain. On the other hand, his insights into failures of another emerging technology, IoT (the Internet of Things), might prove prophetic.  And, on the third hand, maybe you, dear audience member, were simply duped by the episode title.

There is another proverb, probably, American.  It goes something like this:  watch anything long enough, even a baseball game, and something is bound to happen.  Failure - the Podcast is like that, too.  Listen long enough and you might learn something.  Today, we did.

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a discussion with Frank Gillett, of Forrester Research (yes, you heard his name before on this podcast — apparently, he did not learn the first time), as he takes us down the tortured road of an emerging technology.  Whether the supposedly unsinkable Titanic, a foolproof Iranian nuclear reactor, the Internet of Things or, yes, even the blockchain, we should simply assume that new technologies will fail — and, probably, in ways we would never predict.

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A Broken Link in the Blockchain Failure - the Podcast