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Steal this Podcast

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Steal this Podcast The Team from Failure - the Podcast

Abby Hoffman would not be pleased. The Vietnam War-era activist and author of the iconic work, Steal this Book, had values after all.  And, while some might question whether an anarchist could be said to value anything, the belief in the ultimate right of the individual to choose seems exemplary, at least at first blush.  

So why might today’s episode of Failure - the Podcast have Hoffman rolling in his grave?   He would have relished its rejection of the fundamental rules of podcasting.   And, today’s victim .... er, guest ... is an author, like the anarchist-in-chief himself.  (Whoa, there.  We know what you’re thinking.  We mean Hoffman, not Trump, though the same occurred to us, as well.  The irony is rich, eh?)

Perhaps, it’s because the parallels end there.   Hoffman was anti-establishment.  Remember the yippies?   (No, not the yuppies.  Not even close.) Hoffman founded the movement.   Still don’t remember them:  think hippies, but with an agenda.  

Our guest is the opposite. Jason Kraus, investor and author of Prepare 4 VC is a capitalist.   Worse yet — we’re channeling Hoffman, here — he’s a capitalist who’s intent on spawning others through his writing.   This would seem the antithesis of everything Hoffman stood for.  

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in a half-hearted discussion with Jason on investing, publishing and the life of a millennial.  Whether you’ll learn less from it than from this intro is a mystery.