Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

Gift or Grift?

Gift or Grift?

So many letters.  So little time.  What do you do with an MBA, an MSc, a PhD, and an MD?  Our guest, Suman Lal, has the answer:  start an innovation studio inside an innovation center within the most innovative square mile on the planet.


That was our reaction, too.  But lo and behold, Suman had and did all of these things:  an MBA from the Sloan School of Business, an MSc in molecular genetics and a PhD in oncology from National University of Singapore,  an MD from Mahama Gandhi University and, now, he’s managing the Technology Innovation Studio inside the Cambridge Innovation Center at Kendall Square, the home of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and countless high-tech and biotech companies.  Not bad for a 25 year old.  Just kidding:  the touch of gray puts Suman a bit over that in years.  But, we digress.

Innovative he is, that Suman.  We don’t want to give away the juicy bits, but in a wide-ranging … OK, rambling … discussion with  the team from Failure — the Podcast / Innovation Blab, Suman revealed an entrepreneurial flair that would make PT Barnum blush. Once we got over the shock, we were humbled.  Why, after all, hadn’t we thought of this ourselves and why are we not in Suman’s revenue stream?   

Listen to today’s episode and learn how Suman Lal has capitalized on an impressive resume to parlay a bit role in the innovation economy into a no-sweat money-making venture.

Public Health Reflux ... er ... Redux

Public Health Reflux ... er ... Redux