failure - the podcast / innovation blab

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Make Education Great Again!

Failed again, dagnabit. An otherwise great podcast. Ruined! No Failure! Fake News! (Editor’s note: It’s only been since January 2017, and we are dropping verbs like cabinet secretaries. Pretty soon, we’ll have to start using acting verbs. Make Verbs Great Again! Make Acting Great Again! Where is Ron Reagan, when you need him?)

You’d think the team from Failure - the Podcast would learn. Screen, screen, screen. We have to screen our guests before making the invite. Certainly, we have to have a word or two with them before pressing the record button (assuming we remember to do that, at all).

It’s Mic’s fault, frankly. He’s the one who makes the cold calls. He’s the one who does the invites. He’d probably be the one to press the record button, if we’d let him. Mark and Dave suspect that Mic’s in “BHA mode.” (Google “mic williams bha” and that’ll make more sense. Better yet, go to our About Us page. More clicks. Better SEO! Make Web-Browsing Great Again!).

We think Mic’s confusing his cold calls for Failure - the Podcast with those for our favorite angel investment group. Instead of bringing in guests ready to pitch their stumbles, he’s getting ones that stumble through their pitches. (Hey, not bad. Maybe with that turn of phrase, we’ll get noticed by the great historian Will Durant. A favorable mention from his corner of the Twitter-verse could boost our listenership into the double-digits).

So if you are still with us ... and, by the way, we don’t blame you if you’ve left. Faced with yet another episode of Failure - the Podcast, even the humble-bragging that passes for LinkedIn posts is looking good. But we digress ...

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in an uproarious (Make Adjectives Great Again!) discussion with Bob Allard, co-founder and managing partner of Extension Engine, a consulting firm that’s trying to Make Education Great Again! Bob was poised to discuss the failings of American educational system, but after an hour of listening to his pitch for Extension Engine, we cut him off.

What will you learn from today’s episode? Who knows? What do you ever learn from this podcast?

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Make Education Great Again! Failure - the Podcast