Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

The View from On High

The View from On High

Have you ever looked out over the Midwest farmlands while taking a cross country flight?   Just another pretty view, you ask? The guests of today’s podcast think not.

Whether the swamp lands in our nation’s capital or a cornfield in the Midwest, a picture can be worth a whole lot.  Sure, a satellite photo might give you some insight into the corruption that is Washington DC, but a cornfield from on high is the real money shot.  Imagine, if you could identify rows of maze ripening ahead of schedule or under siege by the infamous corn borer. (Yes, unlike earwigs, corn borers do really like corn).  Yields might go up and costs down.  And, while most city dwellers can size up a garden in seconds, gauging the health of a mega-acre factory farm is another matter entirely.

You could send out dozens of workers to survey the land, but as the team from Failure - The Podcast is apt to say, “wait, there’s gotta be a better way!”  In fact there is, and our guests from Cloud Agronomics have found it.  They propose launching microwave oven-sized cameras into the clear blue yonder to diagnose the ailments of our farmlands.  Wait a minute, you say.  It’s 2020. Hasn’t this already been done? Yes and no. Bits and pieces. Cloud Agronomics is banking on the fact that nobody’s come up with a solution as robust as theirs.

Join the team from Failure - the Podcast in one of the few level-headed discussions they’ve had since college with the management and science gurus behind Cloud Agro. Your dinnertime salad will never look the same.

If Memory Serves ...

If Memory Serves ...

Battle Royale

Battle Royale