failure - the podcast / innovation blab

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The Team Gets Schooled

You’d think that after 40+ episodes, the Team from Failure - the Podcast would know a thing or two about failure. Our guests have regaled us in countless stories on the topic. And, whether it was our failure to hit the record button on the first half of episode # 17 or our mistakenly hitting it that one Friday afternoon last May at the tequila bar, we’ve had plenty of first-hand experience. So, yeah, we’d venture to say we’re pretty good at failure.

… Or so we thought, until we met today’s guest: futurist, speaker, author and leader Tom Koulopoulos. The mere introduction to him had us back on our heels. So we thought we’d counter by getting him with a tough philosophical question — “what’s failure mean to you?” — before he had a chance to catch his breath. Our mistake. It was like taking the late, great Hélio Gracie to the mat, thinking you’d have the upper hand.

Big mistake. We got schooled. Turns out that Tom’s all about success through failure. Who knew? Perhaps we should have done some research on him, first. Anyway, we quickly learned that Tom travels the globe talking to the best and brightest about failure as a critical component of business innovation.

Join the Team from Failure - the Podcast as Tom Koulopoulos schools us in failure. Perhaps, you’ll learn a thing or two. We did.


Tom, don’t forget to post this to your 500k+ LinkedIn followers. Failure - the Podcast needs subscribers. Mark will put the unmarked bills in a plain brown envelope under the rock next to that bench on Newbury Street. It’ll be there by 4 pm. Mark, has to mortgage his house, first.

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The Team Gets Schooled Failure - the Podcast