Failure - The Podcast

Learning from failure - A podcast for those interested in business.

The Entrepreneur Inventor

The Entrepreneur Inventor

Most inventors lack the good fortune to make a fortune.  Entrepreneurship, like invention, takes a lot of skill — and, a lot of luck!  Venture capitalist General Georges Doriot once said that “at the time it is made, a vital error can seem like a minor decision.”  If that's true for the typical entrepreneur, it's doubly so for the inventor-entrepreneur.  Given the number and variety of decisions he/she must make during the critical first few years, it’s a wonder that any of their businesses survive, much less, thrive.

Our guest, John Daniels, is a basement tinkerer who is breaking the mold in the manner of the best of them.  The Thomas Edisons, the Alexander Graham Bells, the Samuel Colts:  inventors who were successful entrepreneurs, as well.   Forbes magazine says these are a rare breed.  Have a listen to our latest podcast, and you’ll see why.

An Industrial Designer's Story -- the Rise of Healthcare and the Fall of a Solar Cell Startup

An Industrial Designer's Story -- the Rise of Healthcare and the Fall of a Solar Cell Startup

Snow Skiing is like Starting a Business?  Roger that!

Snow Skiing is like Starting a Business? Roger that!