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Snow Skiing is like Starting a Business? Roger that!

There is no shortage of similes, analogies and what-nots equating running a business with snow skiing.  Populist chef and restaurateur Guy Fieri, for example, says that in his business, like in skiing, if you don't fall at least 10 times, then you're not skiing hard enough.  (Maybe that's what was behind the recent closure of his 500-seat venture in Times Square:  too much time on the slopes and not enough laboring over the specialita' della casa, "donkey sauce").  That's not to say that these what-nots aren't good teaching tools.  Our guest, Roger Kahlon, thinks they can be perfect for conveying the mettle necessary to get a business off the ground.  And, he's got personal experience with one that didn't.  Join us in a discussion with Roger and learn why its necessary to prepare for, and get up from, a fall. 

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Podcast 8 - Business is like Skiing Failure the Podcast with Roger Kahlon